Carjackings spiral out of control in Biden’s America


On Monday, James Oliphant, a national politics correspondent for Reuters, tweeted that the nation’s capital was on pace for more than one carjacking a day in 2022. He cited an Axios report that there had been 37 carjackings as of Jan. 20 in D.C. The following day, reporter Lachlan Markay tweeted that four more carjackings had been reported. In December, a representative was carjacked in Philadelphia.

There is a carjacking surge occurring throughout the country. This is in addition to the homicide wave that has plagued the country. Numerous cities set records for murders last year. There is just no other way to say it: People are less safe than ever before in President Joe Biden’s America.

Carjackings have skyrocketed up as much as 510% in some of the country’s largest cities. Chicago, New Orleans, New York, Philadelphia, and D.C. are among the most significant increases. There were reportedly 1,800 incidents in Chicago in 2021; New York City reported 510 cases. Philadelphia endured a record-setting 757 carjackings. Food delivery and ride-share drivers are reportedly the most victimized and should be on high alert.

“The majority of it is young joyriders. They’re not keeping the cars. They’re jacking cars to commit another crime, typically more serious robberies or shootings, or joyriding around for the sake of social media purpose and street cred,” Christopher Herrmann, professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, told CNN. “It’s a disturbing trend.”

The explosion of carjackings in the country coincides with irresponsible and inexplicable Democratic-led decisions to start going soft on crime. Democratic administrations and district attorneys have facilitated policy changes that essentially prioritize criminals at the expense of innocent people in society. Whether it has been not prosecuting certain cases or offering lighter sentences for convicted criminals, these failed policy implementations have left the people of the country vulnerable to criminal predators.

If criminals are aware there will be a light punishment for any crimes they commit, it incentivizes them to act. The biggest deterrence for preventing crime is for criminals to realize they will be held accountable for their crimes. It is predicated on the notion that criminal offenses will not go unpunished. Yet, Democratic government officials and district attorneys have ignored this core tenet of criminal justice. This ignorance is almost criminal in and of itself. As such, society has suffered because of these disastrous policies. Law and order are paramount to a civil society. Hopefully one day soon, government officials will start to uphold their duties to protect the innocent instead of helping the guilty.

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