Eric Adams begs Floridians to move to NYC because he is failing


New York City is trying to recruit Florida residents to move to the Big Apple. Considering how many people are flowing in the other direction, it reeks of desperation — a pathetic attempt to paper over the city’s many problems.

Florida recently passed a law that, among other things, prevents public school officials from secretly transitioning schoolchildren to different genders without telling their parents. The law also prevents the indoctrination of very young children, third grade and below, with such crazed gender ideology. The law was passed after parents sued schools that had done just this. In the time since, gender activists have told every kind of lie about this law, apparently to the point of convincing themselves that it’s unpopular.

Enter New York City Mayor Eric Adams. He has launched a digital billboard campaign in Florida markets denouncing the “hateful” law and begging Floridians to move to the Big Apple.

Gee, why would you want all that beautiful weather, beaches, full employment, and zero income tax when you could live in a city where school officials can transition your child without telling you?

New York City is already forced to beg its own residents not to move to Florida — it drove so many of them off during the pandemic. In January 2021, CBS News reported that more than 330,000 residents moved out of the city since March 2020. Residents then continued moving out throughout the year. Meanwhile, Florida has never been more popular, with the state becoming one of the top moving destinations in the country.

Adams is trying to distract from the fact he is failing his city. Crime, the major issue Adams ran on, is up to start the year. The subways remain unsafe. Adams is mandating masks for children between the ages of 2 and 4, even two years after the data made it absolutely clear that children are at the least risk of any group from COVID-19. Meanwhile, he lifted vaccine mandates for celebrities and athletes but not for everyday businesses and workers in the city.

Adams has been on the job for three months and is already flailing. He enjoys being mayor for the celebrity that comes with it but has done little to help fix the crumbling city he inherited. Adams thinks he’s scoring one over on those hateful Floridians who don’t want their sixth graders to have gender transitions without their knowledge. In reality, he’s begging people to move from the Sunshine State to a city with worse weather, higher taxes, more crime, and erratic, anti-science COVID-19 policies.

Florida is popular because its governor and Legislature understand what people want. New York City is failing because its mayors care more about their celebrity image and future political aspirations. It was true of Bill de Blasio, and so far, it has been true of Adams. Adams is resorting to partisan attacks to distract from that fact because just months into the job, it has been made clear he has no answers for New York City.

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